Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed Reflections

Howard Gardner's purpose in writing this book is to define the virtues of truth, beauty, and goodness as they fit into our society today and how we can nurture them for the future. After reading the Preface and Chapter 1, I started wondering where these virtues fit in individually for all of us and how they connect us as a unit in this global society and so I pose this question to you all about "truth" first:


Define truth as it connects and relates to your life and society today.   What is truth to you? How do you define it? Where does it fit in society today?

Mom always said beauty is the eye of the beholder.  I find beauty to be more of an individual's opinion based on life experiences. What's beautiful to one may not be beautiful to another. I believe the true meaning of beauty comes within an individual's being. However, stereotypically, what is beauty?  I was and I wasn't amazed at what I saw when I google-imaged the word beauty. Try it for yourself and I invite you to respond. What is the world coming to? Beauty is only skin deep? Let's dig deeper than that!!

Goodness:   This is the virtue where I think moral ethical values exist.  What is goodness in our society today?   What are our responsibilities as a global citizen to ensure that "goodness" endures today's challenges?  

A Promising Start..............  born with a clean slate-your sense of self/being is molded by modeling, experiences, influences, education, judgements, culture, and social and family interactions.

Learning Throughout Life........A continuing process!
New understandings emerge and may change throughout adolescence about truth, beauty, and goodness!
Many factors, challenges, and individual "stories" effect the choices and decisions people make.

Conclusion:Looking Ahead

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness remain........... as these virtues are defined and influence society, today, tomorrow, and in the future............


Lorraine Porcelli said...

Well Dawn, I think truth is part of who we become. I think it's deeply connected to ones character. Truth is in ones sole.

Dawn M. Belson said...

Nicely put, Lorraine! Thanks for responding! I believe "TRUTH" is being honest to one's self in all that you do in life.

Dawn M. Belson said...

TRUTH defined by Howard Gardner in Chapter 1 is located in all disciplines in life and where there is TRUTH there are also challenges in searching for it, questioning it, and preserving it.

Dawn M. Belson said...

I meant as defined in Chapter 2..........

tara hudson said...

Dawn, I agree that the idea of 'truth' has changed throughout the years. When you are in face-to-face contact with people as we were more so in the pre-technology era, it is more difficult to be dishonest. In today's age of "behind the scenes" communication, it seems easier to speak your mind and at the same time, embellish...As I mentioned in class, I do not mean to be a constant skeptic, but with online communication such as product reviews, you simply do not know the names and cannot be sure of the intention/accuracy. I think as I am more and more versed in the online world you gain an instinct and can use tips such as choosing apps with 4 or 5 stars and also a lot of reviews...??

Jeannine Ryan said...

wikipedia states
"Truth has a variety of meanings, such as the state of being in accord with fact or reality.[1] It can also mean having fidelity to an original or to a standard or ideal. In a common usage, it also means constancy or sincerity in action or character.[1] The direct opposite of truth is falsehood, which can correspondingly take logical, factual or ethical meanings."
i need to be careful in my life as far as truth is concerned. i am all about truth. it has been said that jesus as a man was the perfect balance of truth and compassion. my tendency has been to state the truth and sometimes forget that i must also balance compassion in reference to that. one can be truthful without being kind. sometimes it is more important to be kind and compassionate than it is to be right or truthful. my opinion is not always the truth but my i will often stated the truth about what i am thinking or feeling and can get myself in trouble for doing so.
some guidelines when considering telling the truth:
is it helpful or hurtful?
does it need to be said? does it need to be said by me? does it need to be said by me right now?
when i say something i want to:
say what i mean. i want to mean what i say. and,
i don't want to say it in a mean way.

Lori Reinfurt said...

Hi Dawn~ If you were to ask me what truth was last week my answer would have been simple. I would have defined truth as the opposite of a lie, a fact. After reading Gardner's theory on truth I feel that the question needs to be developed-specified. When faced with social media as well as a plethora of internet resources we need to connect the word truth to discretion. The best lesson we can teach our students/children is to question everything. We can no longer believe what we read. Ask more questions; do more valid research!

Ki said...

How very philosophical..."Truth is in ones sole." It is learned along the way. We have to live with our- selves and it's much easier living with honesty than deception. The difficulty is deciding what is the truth. Ultimately it is your decision to accept 'your truth'. Living the truth is living in peace.

Dawn M. Belson said...

I agree Tara, I really do find myself relying on those reviews when I shop online. But you know, people have different likes and dislikes. So what's good for one may not be for another. And........the big question.......Who's really writing them?

Dawn M. Belson said...

I agree with you Lori.... but really...... how sad is that, that we can no longer believe what we read or hear, right?