Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed Reflections

Howard Gardner's purpose in writing this book is to define the virtues of truth, beauty, and goodness as they fit into our society today and how we can nurture them for the future. After reading the Preface and Chapter 1, I started wondering where these virtues fit in individually for all of us and how they connect us as a unit in this global society and so I pose this question to you all about "truth" first:


Define truth as it connects and relates to your life and society today.   What is truth to you? How do you define it? Where does it fit in society today?

Mom always said beauty is the eye of the beholder.  I find beauty to be more of an individual's opinion based on life experiences. What's beautiful to one may not be beautiful to another. I believe the true meaning of beauty comes within an individual's being. However, stereotypically, what is beauty?  I was and I wasn't amazed at what I saw when I google-imaged the word beauty. Try it for yourself and I invite you to respond. What is the world coming to? Beauty is only skin deep? Let's dig deeper than that!!

Goodness:   This is the virtue where I think moral ethical values exist.  What is goodness in our society today?   What are our responsibilities as a global citizen to ensure that "goodness" endures today's challenges?  

A Promising Start..............  born with a clean slate-your sense of self/being is molded by modeling, experiences, influences, education, judgements, culture, and social and family interactions.

Learning Throughout Life........A continuing process!
New understandings emerge and may change throughout adolescence about truth, beauty, and goodness!
Many factors, challenges, and individual "stories" effect the choices and decisions people make.

Conclusion:Looking Ahead

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness remain........... as these virtues are defined and influence society, today, tomorrow, and in the future............